7 ESSENTIAL Exercises for Photographers & Filmmakers
These 7 exercises will help prevent and alleviate pain associated with sitting for long periods of time. Specifically for photographers, filmmakers and editors.
Chances are that your posture sucks.
Mine too. Mostly because I am a photography / filmmaker who spends the majority of his time editing, which means at a desk, sitting. Sitting for prolonged periods of time has been correlated with numerous increases in probabilities and risks for things like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Likely the more immediate effects of prolonged sitting that we all experience are things like neck, back, rib and low back pain.
Got me there also. I am someone who works out regularly. For me this looks like indoor and outdoor rock climbing as well as weightlifting however I am a human and sometimes I don’t stretch or workout as consistently as I’d like for one reason or another.
This is a perfect storm. I spend multiple 8 hour editing days, mixed with already tight muscles and not a stretch in sight. Cue rib pain & back pain for me. At this point I have identified the pain and been through it enough to have an entire routine surrounding it with the goal of getting me back out of pain so that I can continue creating, functioning, and climbing.
This routine comes from my own experience and consultations with physical therapist friends. Is it perfect? Probably not. But it has worked for me fairly well. And as a side benefit when I do this routine regularly I often see improvements in my posture.
There are 7 different exercises in this routine.
A Warm Up
I often use a heating pad in times of pain and extreme stiffness/tightness. This can easily be subbed out for a 10-20min run, walk, or bicycle. The point is to get your tissues and body temperature elevated.
Foam Roller
If this isn’t a part of your routine, go out and get one now. And you are welcome because this is an absolute lifesaver. In this set of circumstances stances I use this foam roller on my thoracic spine however it is not limited to just being used in that area. Topics for another video. You can roll over the area or if you find an increasingly tender spot I like to stay on that spot and take 2-3 deep breaths. I often find that the tension at that spot will release after a few breaths.
Massage Gun
These always look super cool but do they actually work? I have found they work in loosening up muscle tissues but not necessarily lengthening. I’ve included it in this routine as I do often feel better after a 1 min per area once-over with a massage gun. For back and rib pain I really like to focus on the upper traps as this is the typical source of tension for just about everyone.
First Rib Mobilization
This is one that I picked up working in physical therapy. In the video I like to use my hand to find and put pressure on my first rib but you can also use a belt or strap. Once found and light pressure applied simply tilt your head as if bringing one ear down to the same side shoulder and alternate each side.
Doorway Pec Stretch
This is a classic. The hallmark of poor posture are rounded or internally rotated shoulder. In this position both pectorals muscles become shortened making it difficult to fully reverse the position. Simple fix, find a doorway, place arm at 90 degrees on the door frame and lean forward. Stretching should be felt in the front of your chest.
This is another must have. Once we’ve stretched out all of that bad juju how are we supposed to maintain that position without building up some strength. Cue double arm rows. I do this at home with bands and at the gym on a cable machine. Make sure you are squeezing the shoulder blades back and down to target those middle traps and rhomboids.
The low trapezius muscles, rhomboids, middle traps, and external rotators of the shoulder are all the targets of this exercise. This is a great blend of movements that really keeps your upper back and shoulders healthy.
I hope this routine helps if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments here or on the video!
Canon R5 First Impressions
The Canon R5 is an incredible camera on paper, I wanted to see if it would meet the expectations. These are my first impressions of the Canon R5.
This is a BEAST of a camera. Does it overheat? I would imagine, but it didn’t for me in my testing. Is it amazing? Yep.
Okay, I know before I get accused of being a Canon shill, initially I was hesitant with this camera. Honestly, I am hesitant with any new camera because it is new and because I’d like to think that I approach life with a level of healthy skepticism thanks to my degree in biology.
I digress. My main worry with this camera was the overheating. It seemed rampant with claims that if you looked at it in anything other than an arctic snow storm that it would burst into flames. So naturally when I got to test it out for a week I was a little nervous. But I made a promise to myself to shoot it like I normally would. To not baby it. And that’s what I did.
Here’s the bad. The battery life drains noticeably quicker than a 5d Mark IV & an EOS R. I would imagine this is a combination of the IBIS and the video capabilities. Granted I didn’t shoot 8k all day long but I did do a fair bit of 4k60. 8k files are huge but that should be expected. CFexpress is expensive.
The Good. The AF is incredible. The files look beautiful. Like absolutely gorgeous. 8k may be the buzz feature but 4k120 I think was the surprise that I fell in love with. IBIS is good. AND it has the C3 custom setting when pressing video in photo mode that isn’t in the R6.
If you are a hybrid shooter shooting short B roll clips and can afford the price tag, this is probably already in your bag. Take into account the RF lenses that have both technical prowess mixed with character and you have an ecosystem that is superb.
Would I switch from Sony? Tough call and is going to come down to preference. Especially since the release of the Sony A1.
Below are some images that I have created with this camera.

Best of 2020
We shot half as many images in 2020 than in 2019. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t even more meaningful. These are some of my favorites for the year 2020.
2020 was such a mixed bag. It was an incredible struggle. Stressful. Trying. Character testing. And yet it was enlightening. I think it showed us what we needed to see. What had been there all along. It showed those things in our lives that we take for granted. Often by taking them away.
I don’t think we can remain the same. I think to remain unchanged by a year that changed so much is denial. I could easily post the “prettiest” photographs that I know would do well. But if there is anything that 2020 has taught me is that our time here is uncertain. That if our lives are to have meaning we need to just be who we are.
These images represent me in a way. Some that I absolutely love. Others that call to me for reasons I can’t articulate. I hope you enjoy.

The Canon R6 Is ALMOST Perfect - Canon R6 First Impressions
The Canon R6 is ALMOST perfect but has one major flaw for hybrid shooters shooting photo & video. Read more to find out why I like it but don’t quite love it.
SO CLOSE. That’s how I feel about this camera.
When the R5 & R6 were first rumored to be announced everyone was excited over the crazy specs of the R5. While those were jaw dropping specs at the time the camera that I felt would be most attainable for the majority of shooters would be the R6. I turned out to be right when they announced pricing. I was super excited about this camera, hoping that Canon wouldn’t cripple it in some way as we have become accustomed to.
However they did. They removed functionality to maintain a custom setting when pressing the video record button in photo mode that was already present in the EOS R. And then they decided to put that feature back in to the Canon R5 to add insult to injury.
Now I realize that for many of you, this doesn’t mean sh*t. Many of you don’t shoot photo & video at the same time. OR. Many of you have dedicated cameras for those purposes.
If that is the case then the short of it is.
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Just get this camera. It is that good. AF is incredible. High ISO is great. IBIS, well it has it. Dual Slots are there.
VIDEOGRAPHERS: It is a GOOD camera. Are there better options in this price range for strictly video? Yeah. I would consider the BMPCC 6k. But if you want to retain some photo capability to use at distinct times then this is a good option. Can’t write video to both cards. Camera may lock up (I have received reports this may depend on memory cards.)
In any case here are the images that i have shot with this camera.

John & Bree | Yosemite Engagement Photos
John & Bree’s stunning Yosemite National Park engagement photographs. Beautiful fall colors made for an amazing time.
I am getting to spend so much time in Yosemite lately and we are both LOVING it. Especially when we get to hang out with our clients.
We have known Bree for sometime now through other weddings that we have shot and she makes a mean cocktail too. When she reached out to us to shoot their engagement photos and their wedding we were SO excited.
On top of that we chose Yosemite because it was the perfect time for those fall colors. Either way, stunning couple, amazing place makes for some great photos and an even better time.

Carissa & Cody | Yosemite Engagement
Carissa & Cody’s beautiful engagement photographs in Yosemite National Park.
As with everything in 2020 we had been planning this engagement session for a while. We had rescheduled due to the Creek fire and originally were thinking about Shaver Lake, CA as that had meaning to both Carissa & Cody. But it just wasn’t meant to be.
So our hearts settled on Yosemite, which of course I was super excited about being probably my favorite place in the world. These two were absolute naturals in front of the camera. Not only were they just super fun to photograph, Yaz & I instantly got along with these two (idk how any wouldn’t) despite this being the first time we had met due to everything going on with the pandemic.
Carissa & Cody I am so excited to photograph your wedding in 2021. Congrats again you two!

A Creative Outlet | Fine Art Portraits
2020 has been a wild ride for our business and for my creativity. This is the work that I have created for me. A creative outlet & exploration.
This year has been quite the doozy. From all of the anxiety & uncertainty that SARS-CoV-2 has brought with COVID-19, to all of the political weight we have been under for this entire year I have needed an outlet.
Photography & creativity in general have always been and will always be for me a means of self expression & self exploration. I wasn’t educated on how to “deal” with my emotions and stress as a child as many of us weren’t. Therefore I found creativity a beautiful solution to my emotional well being.
Cue the self portraits and just exploration of my own creativity. I need it. It keeps my craft sharp & skills fresh. Below are some of the images I have created through this very weird year.